Uniform Policy 2021-2022
Pre-K 3 Students Only –Navy t-shirt or polo shirt with or without the JP Schools Pre-K emblem. Khaki uniform pants with elastic is acceptable. Velcro Tennis shoes. Shirts worn under uniform shirt must be black, white, or purple.
Pre-K 4 & Kindergarten Students Only –Purple t-shirt or polo shirt with JP Schools Pre-K emblem or Leo Kerner Emblem for Kindergarten. Khaki uniform pants with elastic is acceptable. Velcro Tennis shoes. Shirts worn under uniform shirt must be black, white, or purple.
Dress down: Parish policy states that all Pre-K and kindergarten students must wear a purple shirt every day. On any dress down day the students may wear their purple spirit shirt OR regular purple school shirt with dress down bottoms and tennis shoes.
TOP – Red t-shirt or polo shirt with the Leo Kerner school emblem.
All shirts worn under uniform shirt must be black or white.
BOTTOM: Khaki uniform pants, shorts, skorts, jumpers or skirt. Shorts, skirts, skorts and jumpers must be uniform length.
Pants must be hemmed, not rolled. In winter months black or white tights may be worn under skirts.
Outerwear: SOLID red sweaters and sweatshirts with or w/o school emblem may be worn inside the building. No hats. No hoodies.
Overcoats: May be any color or style. Any jacket may be worn outside of the building. Any logo must be appropriate.
Shoes: Tennis shoes only. Lace or Velcro. Tennis shoes must lace or velcro securely. Must have a rubber sole. May be any color. Solid color ankle socks. Students attend P.E. daily.
Please put your child’s name on all personal items that are sent to school.
Students must receive notification from the school that they have met all requirements for the dress down day. - All shirts must have sleeves.
- Tennis shoes only.
- Students who violate the rules for dress down day will not be allowed to participate in future dress down day.
- Students must follow any special directions given for each dress down day. (Ex. Red shirt day, blue jean day, favorite sports team day, etc…)
- Students with three uniform violations will not be allowed to dress down.